
Lord Darth Maul

As a big Maul's fan, I had to do this one, the ultimate Sith, it's all about the darkside !!! Such a great design for this character, a black monk with a psycho face paint and a petrifying look. Slay'em all !!!!


Jack Sparrow

I definetely like this character, and draw him is a real pleasure, the facial expression, the clothes, the hair, Sparrow is 100% entertainment for each artist, and working on a dark paper allows me to work on a light of the face which is pretty useful.


Colossus - Gambit cartoon style

I try to color this sketches with Photoshop, something who bores me a lot, I hate digital work, I truely prefer the contact of the material to a cold tablet, but as an artist, we have to try everything, and one thing is for sure, it's a huge waste of time, 2 hours for an effect when you can do that with one simple gesture...



I did this one the same time than Grifter, (Bermejo rules !!!), I'm a huge fan of Zelda (since day one), and Link is a great hero and he reminds me my early day when I was playing on my old Nintendo : "The legend of Zelda". What a wonderful video game, inovating, inspiring, immersive, it carries you in a whole new world of fantasy.


PinUp of the month : May 2008

This month, the major discussion was about the movie "Indiana Jones : and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", good movie, bad movie ? who cares, it's all about the character.
I was happy to draw Sean Connery (man, I wanted him in the fourth film), but I totally screwed Harrison Ford's face. Later, I saw 2-3 things which could upgrade my sketch like a papyrus paper or something like that.

You can check here the other artworks : la pin-up de MAI: Indiana Jones


The Joker

To stay with the Dark Knight universe, here's his insane nemesis : the Joker. He's very easy to do, green hair, big smile, yellow teeth, just find a good facial expression, I will probably try to make a classic version in a cell of the Arkham asylum.


I did this Batman for myself and because someone challenged me if I was able to draw the entire JLA in this cartoonish style since the last Flash and Green Lantern. Cartoonish but still threatening, the Dark Knight has to be serious even in this type of exercise.


PinUp of the month : April 2008

The theme was "the Fairy Tales", and the choices were Peter Pan, White Snow, Monsters, Baba Yaga,... and Red Hood won the poll, I was really happy to draw her, you have a lot of possibility with this character. My first sketch was pretty serious, very primitive and disturbing, something metaphoric, like an adult stalking a child (which is the real theme of this tale).
Finally the theme opened and we all did the same thing,all of us. A psycho, bloody werewolf fighting a sexy Red Hood, I was saying "oh man I have to do something else !!!" And it came naturally, always the same catchphrase "funny and sexy" and here the result.

You can check here the other artworks : la pin-up d'avril:le chaperon rouge
First idea......
and Final version :


eBay commission : She Hulk

An old eBay commission, I really enjoyed working on this character, she's an amazing source of inspiration, beauty and rage. Working on a green paper is awesome, you can light every details on the body parts, I will probably do more Jennifer Walters very soon.


PinUp of the month : March 2008

This month, we had to vote for a "metallic character", we had Terminator, the Metal Men, Colossus,....and Ghost Rider 2099 was chosen, I wasn't really happy to draw something with mechanic system but it was at a good moment, a gift for an anniversary of a friend 'cause he really loves the Rider (even if it's not the classic version). You can see the 2nd step of the process without the painting work, on the finish version, it's impossible to see the chrome on the Rider's member (I don't think any scannner can reproduce this effect on a computer).

You can check here the other artworks : la pin-up de Mars: Ghost Rider 2099


A little gift I did for a friend, he asked me a Yoda a few years ago and I finally did one for him, he just makes me laugh.


Tyler Durden

As I said earlier, it's a very difficult exercise to reproduce a real person, even if it's a caricature and the red paper didn't allow me to reproduce a perfect skin tone, I enjoyed working on the leather of the jacket and I'm pretty sure that I can do something better now. I see now that I forgot to draw the smoke of the cigarette

PinUp of the month : February 2008

The theme of the poll was "White" and Emma Frost was the best choice to me for a new try with acrylic paint, it was very tricky, you can mess this up but always step back covering your mistakes, I loved this new approach of colouring, and the idea had always crawled my mind, how does the suit hang on her ?

You can check here the other artworks : Pin-up de février: le mois du blanc!


Commission X-men

Bouzouk asked me 2 commissions (w/ Lobo)and this one wasn't the final product, I drawn a normal Piotr Rasputin when he thought I was going to do the metallic version, he drived me on each and every detail, the guitars, the hat, the size of the" cigarette" and finally he was happy (of course I had to paint Colossus the way he wanted) I never knew if he did the X-Men logo.
I had a lot of fun with this one, especially on Wolverine, honestly who can mess a Logan's sketch up, he's so easy to draw with his specific design.

comics redux

Another exercise from the french board Buzzcomics, take an old comics and draw an entire page with a new vision, you can do it the way you want and i'ts a really cool work, this time the comics was X-Force 1 by Rob Liefeld, I pick the page 5 and Domino on the cover (you have to choose quick because your page's could be pick by another artist).
You will find here the huge and talented work of each and every artists who participated on this great idea : RG III : X force 1
here the original page....

...and my version....

...and finally my version of Domino for the cover and colored by Tink (who's a very cool girl btw and a talented colorist).

eBay commission : Wonder Woman

Another eBay commission, I thought that was a cool idea to explode her armor but when I had to ink and color each breakin' part, it was a living hell, I really liked her facial expression, you can see my devotion to the fantastic work of J.Scott Campbell, maybe one of my favorite artist in the world.

PinUp of the month : January 2008

This time, we had to choose a sidekick and it was Harley Quinn who won the vote, it was my first shot about this character and I was pretty glad about my idea, sexy and funny, I wanted to do a Joker but no place, no time....

You can check here the other artworks : Pin-up de Janvier: Harley Quinn



I did this one just after a signin' session of Lee Bermejo (he came to Paris with Camuncoli, Jim Lee and Gab Dell'Otto) and I was stunned about his sketch, full of details and very intense with the simpliest line ever, so I tried to use the same technic and one of my friend told me that I have to use this kind of ink more often.

Cartoon style

Here my very first attempt with a cartoonish style, I try this after seeing the work of Skottie Young, I had a lot of good comment about that and I continue in this way but sometimes, it becomes a handicap when you draw a classic sketch, I keep a bad cartoon line when I ink my old school sketch and it's hard to step back when you enjoy your new playground.

Indiana Jones

Another thing that I'm not confortable with, drawing realistic people based upon a photo, I always have to compare it with the original picture and it's always a disaster. But I keep trying and this Indy was pretty cool.

PinUp of the month : December 2007

This time, the poll concerned the magicians and it was Zatanna who won just ahead of Mandrake, the funny things was a lot of us had the same idea (especially the rabbit)

You can check here the other artworks : ZATANNA: LA pin-up de décembre


eBay commission : Ultimate Invisible

An old com' I made on eBay, I started that kind of work with brand new technics (color paper and stuff) especially to perfect my drawing women skills because I was so bad at this exercise, I hated drawing women so I was pretty glad for one of my first com'. The hardest part is to draw something sexy, funny and keep the charsima of the character .

Commission Invincible

Another com' for a guy called snoopy, I didn't know this character at all and it was pretty funny to imagine which kind of pose I could make for an unknown character, I suggest different background but he chooses the simpliest one.

PinUp of the month : November 2007

A french board (Buzzcomics) try every month to built a little contest, I try to participate every time to show my skills and it's a pretty good exercise.
That time, the vote goes to Black Widow, I wasn't really happy with the final product but I had a lot of work and she wasn't my priority at this time.

You can check here the other artworks : La pin-up de Novembre: La veuve noire!


Commission Submariner

Here another com' for a guy called Namorlabien, he was really happy about this one (more than me). You don't really see the gold paint on his armor plates but I liked his facial expression..."I'm a King, don't mess with me !"